Newborn Circumcisions

Newborn Circumcisions

Newborn Circumcisions

At PedCare we perform circumcisions for your newborn baby boy. We recommend getting this done in the first 14 days (after this time your child may need a referral to a urologist).

Circumcision is a surgical procedure where the skin covering the tip of the penis is removed. It is a fairly common procedure newborn boys in the US. If this is something that you want performed on your child, do not delay as the procedure becomes much more complicated if it is postponed.

Newborn Circumcisions

Circumcisions in the US are quite common with the National Center for Health Statistics estimating that about 64 percent of newborn boys undergo circumcision. Circumcisions are an optional procedure but parents choose this for their kids for religious and cultural reasons. In addition, some parents find that the penis becomes easier to clean for, which can help reduce the risk of infection from bacteria. Newborns and infants recover very quickly from the procedure, usually within 12 to 24 hours.